The game's purpose is to allow children to apply and sharpen their skills in solving mathematical problems in a fun and engaging manner. It covers various basic arithmetic questions - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.Reward System
Our game offers achievements and highscores so that children can show off their skills to their friends and families.
Difficulty System
There are three difficulties that children can choose from depending on their mathematical skill level.
How did we implement this?
We have implemented a timer of 60 seconds and the aim of the game is to try to finish as many questions as possible. The design of gameplay is carefully devised because the timer is as short as the average child's attention span. During the 60 seconds, the child would have probably revised addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in such quick succession that they would have barely noticed.
What makes this game special? It is just another time pressured maths game...
What makes this game unique is the fact that the implemented controller the game uses follows a mantra of "the longer you play, the more the game recognises the user's skill level". This means that when you initially start up the game, the program assumes that you are only a beginner. The more questions you answer correctly, the more types of questions the game will ask you. This ensures that the questions asked are scaled to what you know.
Back-End Algorithm Complexity
The main purpose of the game is to ensure that the children are learning. The algorithm implemented is called the "Spaced Repetition" algorithm. Spaced repetition utilises the spacing effect, which comes from an observation made by Ebbinghaus over a hundred years ago.
People generally learn a lot more if they are asked repetitive questions. They learn even more if those repetitive questions are asked in a large space of time. This algorithm is applied in flashcard revision software as well as in language learning software.